Elder Debra Ray
Administrative Pastor
Elder Debra Ray is the Administrative Pastor of The Move of God Ministries, Inc., of Tallahassee Florida. She has served in ministry for over 17 years with a journey GRACED WITH VICTORY! Elder Ray was born in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and rejoices as a proud mother of two daughters...who are also Believers in Jesus Christ! She smiles upon six grandchildren and one great grandchild as she witnesses the Lord releasing the legacy of Holy Ghost impartation! Her life journey has not always been filled with joy; "BUT GOD" has allowed her to be an overcomer of Physical, Sexual and Emotional abuse. The VICTORY OF LIFE and THAT MORE ABUNDANTLY destroys every bad decision, thought, and shame! There is NO GREATER LOVE than the Love of Jesus who WASHES AND REDEEMS HIS CHILDREN! The Lord ordered the steps of Elder Ray, and she joined the United States Air Force. This is when she truly began understanding and seeking God. Her life’s journey didn’t come without years of trials, tribulations, abuse, low self-esteem and loss. But through her travels to numerous territories, she found a greater covenant with the Lord. Through continuous manifestation, there was a mighty change in her life. In March 1990, she gave her life to Jesus Christ and the journey for the Glory of God began. Elder Ray discovered her gifts and callings in Christ. God began to turn her trials and tribulations into testimonies of the Glory of God. The Deliverance of the Lord brought about a strong teaching spirit, as He turned her life into a living testimony. Elder Ray also serves as an active speaker on Abuse and is currently a certified Victim Advocate for Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault. Her joy overwhelms in the revelation of when you surrender and trust God, He can use you! Ministering in the areas of Praise and Worship, Preaching the Gospel, Teaching, and Administration, she devotes her life to God being available to THE CALL!
"Outreach Ministry"
Move of God Ministries strives to effectively and positively impact families in our community through workshops, conferences, and seminars. We believe in transforming lives and healing hearts for Divine Purpose
"Olive Plant Ministry"
(Children's Ministry)
Olive Plant Ministry: "...your children will be like olive shoots around your table." (Psalms 123: 3b)
"Like a cedar of Lebanon he will send down his roots" (Hos 14:5b)
The Children of the righteous are also described as olive plants.
Move of God Ministries strives to effectively and positively impact families in our community through workshops, conferences, and seminars. We believe in transforming lives and healing hearts for Divine Purpose
"Olive Plant Ministry"
(Children's Ministry)
Olive Plant Ministry: "...your children will be like olive shoots around your table." (Psalms 123: 3b)
"Like a cedar of Lebanon he will send down his roots" (Hos 14:5b)
The Children of the righteous are also described as olive plants.